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Archimedes' Lever

How to think about your potential team of helpers for a person living with dementia

October 15, 2023

Archimedes the ancient Greek scientist better known for the Archimedes Principle of the Displacement of Water, is also reputed to have said, Give me a long enough lever and a suitable fulcrum and I will move the world.

You may not want to move the world but if you are inadvertently tasked with looking after someone living with dementia or a friend or family member of someone living with dementia, you may want to start thinking about assembling a team of helpers.

This can be a complicated and complex task. It's definitely not a one off event as your needs and the person living with dementia's needs are continually changing and evolving over time.

But the better this task is done, the better the outcomes for yourself and the person living with dementia.

A diverse team who ideally work well together, will cover a greater range of both your needs and the needs of your family member or friend who is living with dementia. The more you can delegate (create a longer lever) and the better you can work together (find an optimum fulcrum from which to operate your lever) , the easier and more satisfactory, your life should become and the better outcomes achieved all round.

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